
Manage multiple NodeJS versions using NVM


What is NVM

NVM is a version manager for NodeJS. It is a useful tool for managing multiple versions of NodeJS on a single development machine. It works on any POSIX_compliant shell like sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash.


Follow the instructions on the GitHub repo in order to install NVM

Installation Instructions

Verify the installation

command -v nvm

This should output nvm if the installation was successful.


Installing the latest version of NodeJS

Install the latest version of NodeJS and NPM

nvm install node

Once installed you can check the version using the command node -v

Installing a specific version of NodeJS

Specific version of NodeJS can be installed

nvm install 14.16.0

Again, you can check the version using the command node -v

Checking available versions

You can check the versions available to install

nvm ls-remote

And check the installed versions using

nvm ls

Switching between versions

In a new shell, you can switch to a different version of node

nvm use 14.16.0

Note that the version switch applies to the current shell, and does not change the default Node version that is initialized in a new shell.

NVM sets the first version that was installed as the default. In order to set a different version of Node as default, set the alias

nvm alias default 10.24.0


  1. NodeJS
  2. NVM

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