Using object de-structuring with typescript
javascriptES6 comes with a feature called object destructuring
Here is how it works:
const person = {
fName: "Homer",
lName: "Simpson",
age: 45,
height: 5.2,
const { fName, age } = person;
console.log(fName); // "Homer"
console.log(age); // 45
// Essentially, this replaces
const fName = person.fName;
const age = person.age;
// And shortens multiple lines of variable delarations into one concise variable declaration
In order to use this kind of syntax with typescript, we want to specify types for each of the de-structured variables.
const { var1, var2 }: { var1: type1, var2: type2 } = object;
Here is how we can re-write the above code snippet using typescript:
const person = {
fName: "Homer",
lName: "Simpson",
age: 45,
height: 5.2,
// What we would like to implement is this:
const fn: string = person.fName;
const ag: number = person.age;
// Using typescript, we can do it this way:
const { fName, age }: { fName: string, age: number } = person;
console.log(fName); // "Homer"
console.log(age); // 45